Blog: General


Paws Talk

Often we don’t pay much attention to our dog’s paws unless there is something wrong with them. Here are some fun facts about dog paws you may not have known


Feline Hairballs 101

  What are hairballs and how do they form? As cats groom themselves they will swallow a lot of the fur that has come loose.  This indigestible fur will generally make its way through your cats digestive tract and will be passed in their feces.  It is not uncommon to...

Hand holding a stethoscope in front of a cat

Quirky Cat Facts

Over the years as a veterinarian, there are certain questions that seem to pop up repeatedly during exams. While many of these revolve around disease conditions, below are some of the most common questions I face that turn out to be just normal cat findings. What are the slits in...

Cat at the Vet

How to Bring Your Cat to the Vet

Visits to the vet clinic can be very stressful for both you and your cat. There are a few things we can do to make the process as calm and comfortable as possible. The first step is getting your cat into a travel carrier. ALWAYS use a carrier to transport...