Blog: Dog


Heartworm Test

Heartworm is a potentially fatal disease that is transmitted by mosquitoes. In Saskatchewan, we are very lucky not to have heartworm despite a significant number of mosquitoes that are present during the summer months. Your dog can be exposed to heartworm if you travel to other provinces. Please contact Cumberland...


Anal Gland Expression

All dogs have anal glands. When your dog has a bowel movement, they secrete a lubricating material. Dogs can also express their anal glands when they are feeling threatened or scared. Sometimes, the anal glands do not excrete properly during bowel movements and they can become too full. This can...



Euthanasia is never an easy decision. We are here to assist you during this difficult time.


Senior Care

All dogs will eventually become seniors. It is important to provide your dog with proper care and adjustments to their lifestyle, as it becomes necessary.