Cat Deworming

What are some internal cat parasites?

Some common internal parasites are roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms.

What are worm infestation symptoms in cats?

Worms being present in your cat’s feces is most common. Tapeworms can shed segments (look like cucumber seeds) that you may find around your home or your cat’s anus. In some cases, cats can lose weight, have diarrhea or vomit if they are carrying a large worm burden.

Do worm affect humans?

Worms can be transmitted to humans and can have serious consequences. Small children and immune-compromised individuals are at the greatest risk. Deworming is the best way to prevent transmission to humans and other animals in your household.

What is the deworming schedule?

The deworming schedule varies based on your cat’s lifestyle. Please contact Cumberland Veterinary Clinic to discuss a deworming schedule tailored for your cat’s individual needs.

Any deworming medication side effects?

Deworming medications are safe for your cat and easy to give. It is not uncommon to see dead worms in the litter box within a few days of administering.

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