
Spaying and neutering are an important part of population control and can help to prevent behaviour and medical issues later in life.

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What does neutering/spaying a dog do?

Spaying is a vital part in the prevention of mammary tumours and eliminating the possibility of uterine diseases, which can be fatal. Neutering male dogs can help to prevent health issues during senior years and negative behaviours.

Why is it important to neuter/spay my dog?

Spaying is a vital part in the prevention of mammary tumours. By removing the uterus, we can eliminate the possibility of uterine infections which can be fatal. Neutering male dogs can also help to prevent health issues later in life and prevent negative behaviours.

How old should a dog be before neutering/spaying?

The age recommended for spaying and neutering can vary depending on the size and sex of your dog. For large breed male dogs, we often wait until 10-12 months of age to allow time to reach sexual maturity. For small to medium breed males and female dogs, we perform the surgery at six months of age. Please contact Cumberland Veterinary Clinic to determine better the appropriate age to spay or neuter your dog.

How much does it cost to neuter/spay a dog?

Prices will vary based on the size and age of your dog. All of our spay and neuter prices include pre-anesthetic blood work, intravenous fluids and pain medication. Our goal is to provide your dog with the safest and most pain-free procedure possible.

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