
Ticks are very prevalent in Saskatchewan. The main concern with ticks is the potential for transmitting illnesses, such as Lyme disease. We are lucky in Saskatchewan, as ticks are more of a nuisance than a vector for disease. Of all the ticks in Saskatchewan, about 1% are deer ticks, which are a known carrier of Lyme disease. Most of the ticks in our province are the Dermacentor tick (also known as the American dog tick). Although Dermacentor ticks are not a competent host for most tick-borne diseases, we never say never, so please contact Cumberland Veterinary Clinic to discuss a prevention protocol for your dog’s individual needs.

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How can you tell if your dog has ticks?

Ticks will often feel like a skin tag or mole, on the surface of your dog’s skin. The tick will burrow its head into your dog’s skin and the body will be sticking out. You can remove ticks at home by grasping the body between your fingers and pulling them straight out. If you are not comfortable handling the tick, you can use tweezers or we have a very handy tool available for purchase, called a tick lasso. If you are still squeamish, please contact Cumberland Veterinary Clinic and we can assist you with the removal of the tick! Ticks are attracted to warm crevices such as the groin area, armpits or beneath the ear flap.

How do you prevent ticks in dogs?

There are two types of products available for tick prevention. Oral chews and topical applications. Both products need to be administered on a monthly basis and are safe and effective for your dog.

What are the treatment options for ticks in dogs?

Ticks can fall off on their own, but generally need to be removed manually. If you have travelled to other provinces and are concerned that your dog has transmitted a tick-borne illness, please contact Cumberland Veterinary Clinic.

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